Our progressive lenses provide optimized vision support in the near and distance areas. Fitting perfectly to the wearer, the lenses are tailored for you, ensuring good wearing comfort, good adaptability and clear vision in all directions.
1. Personalized design, just like you, special.
Our wide selection of progressive lens designs allows to tailor a pair of progressive eyeglasses to meet your specific vision needs and deliver premium quality. Advanced computer technology aids in measuring visual performance and fitting lenses to frames. The lenses for the near, intermediate and distance areas are integrated into one lens through smooth transitions. These lenses are tailored to your face shape, lifestyle, occupation and visual habits. Personalized and as special as you are.
2. Outstanding wearing comfort with seamless fit
A range of factors, technologies and wearer data work together in the production of our progressive lenses to ensure faster adaptation cycles than with older versions of our progressive lenses. Whether you already wear progressive glasses or are wearing them for the first time: a pair of progressive glasses made to measure is your premium choice for high-quality, natural vision.
3. Enjoy smooth, good vision everywhere you look.
Designing lenses to be comfortable is complex: our progressive lenses provide you with clear vision that adapts quickly as the eye moves. At the same time, the transition is also very smooth, and the blurry image in the transition area of the old version of our progressive lenses is finally a thing of the past.
4. Perfect for watching digital devices.
Today, we continue to use smartphones or tablets, but these digital devices present new challenges for our eyes. Our progressive lenses offer a good remedy for these changes that occur in our everyday life, with specially optimized near-range areas for fast and comfortable focusing of the eye. These lenses not only work well with digital devices, but also with books and magazines, helping you adjust to uncomfortable head and body postures.
5. Compatible with a variety of frames. Your style is your choice.
Considering a new pair of stylish frames? You will be amazed by the variety of choices. Even with unconventional frame forms such as aviator glasses, we will adjust your progressive lenses to suit your visual habits, reducing your adaptation period.