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Blue Light Glasses

Blue Light Glasses - OPTICAL 5

What is Blue Light?

Contrary to UV light, blue light is emitted all around us, every day — both indoors and outdoors, from the screens on our digital device to the sun as the biggest source. Extended exposure to certain wavelengths may cause eye fatigue and discomfort, but don’t worry! Our blue light filtering glasses can reduce your exposure to potentially harmful blue light.

How Does Blue Light Affect Us?

Our constant connection to our smartphones, tablets, and laptops may contribute to headaches, sore eyes, and stiff necks — all symptoms of digital eyestrain. With the majority of our waking hours spent in front of a screen, paired with harmful blue-violet light* from digital devices, it’s no surprise that our eyes are working harder than ever.

*Disclaimer: Harmful blue-violet light is between 415-455nm.

Protect Your Eyes with Blue Light Filtering Glasses

Both our non-prescription and prescription blue light filtering glasses and prescription computer glasses are designed to protect your eyes from extended exposure to harmful blue-violet light. Whether you’re wearing them for gaming glasses, working into the wee hours of the night, or binge-watching your favorite show, blue light filtering glasses and glasses for computer use are the way to go.

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