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Understanding Phantom Glasses Syndrome

11 Feb 2023 0 Comments
Understanding Phantom Glasses Syndrome - OPTICAL 5

Do you wear glasses regularly? Have you ever experienced an uncomfortable sensation around your eyes after taking your glasses off? If so, you may be experiencing Phantom Glasses Syndrome (PGS).

PGS is a phenomenon experienced by many people who wear glasses regularly. It’s characterized by a weird feeling around the eyes, usually on the bridge of the nose or between the eyebrows, after taking off the glasses. The sensation is caused by the sudden change in pressure around the eyes, and it typically subsides within a few seconds or minutes. While PGS can be uncomfortable, there are ways to manage it.

Who is affected by PGS?

Anyone who wears glasses regularly is at risk of developing PGS. People who have recently started wearing glasses and those who switch between prescription and non-prescription lenses often experience PGS due to the difference in pressure exerted by the two types of lenses. Additionally, those who wear glasses for long periods of time, such as students or those who work in front of a computer, may suffer from PGS as well.

What are the symptoms of PGS?

The most common symptom of PGS is a strange, uncomfortable sensation around the eyes. This can include itching, burning, or a feeling of pressure on the bridge of the nose or between the eyebrows. Other symptoms may include headaches, blurred vision, tiredness, or light sensitivity.

How is PGS diagnosed?

PGS is typically diagnosed through patient history and observation. If you suspect that you may be experiencing PGS, it’s important to talk to your doctor or optometrist about your symptoms. They can help determine if PGS is the cause of your discomfort and provide advice on how to manage it.

What are the treatment options for PGS?

Fortunately, there are several options available to help manage PGS. The first step is to adjust the fit of your glasses. Make sure that the frame is adjusted properly so that it fits comfortably and securely. If this does not help, you may want to try wearing your glasses for shorter periods of time. Additionally, you can try using eye drops or artificial tears to help reduce the sensation of pressure around the eyes. Finally, if all else fails, you may need to switch to a different type of glasses frame or lens.

In conclusion, PGS is a common complaint among those who wear glasses regularly. While the sensations can be quite uncomfortable, there are ways to manage it. By adjusting the fit of your glasses, wearing them for shorter periods of time, and using artificial tears, you can help reduce the sensation of PGS. If these measures don’t help, speak to your doctor or optometrist about other treatment options.

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